
Tennis player watching tennis match
Avatar Marcel Bleischwitz

Marcel Bleischwitz

Head of Marketing

Higher member engagement with rich media communication.

Imagine: A league home match, and the club is already attracting large numbers of visitors to its facility. What was once a big event at most clubs is now a rarity. Participation in club life is changing - no matter how you look at it. However, the interest in what is going on in the club or even how the clubs teams performed at the weekend can remain strong. In order to keep members engaged in the long term, it is important to think of communication in new formats. The key is rich media.

Regular insights into the club life increase not only general interest, but also identification with the club. This starts with simple updates from practice sessions and ends with attractively prepared summaries of league match days.

Most people now understand that the communication to members should primarily take place on those online channels that they already use regularly, and that this is not necessarily the club’s own website. After all, by the time a member has found his way to his own homepage, a new season has already begun and the content is correspondingly outdated.

The fact is, the content has to reach the user - either directly (e.g. via newsletter) or on the usual online platforms. No matter how you look at it, you can’t avoid the relevant social networks. Here, it’s more a question of how willing you are to experiment and what you can display.

The beauty of all these channels, however, is that they offer plenty of opportunities to report on the club’s activities in varied, creative and, above all, consumer-friendly formats. Rich media - the integration of video, audio or other elements - is the name of the game. What is common practice in online marketing also works in club sports. Here are two examples of how clubs use the content created by Wingfield for their communication.

Moving images instead of boring match reports.

The standard procedure after a matchday weekend is still to publish the events and results on the club’s website in a boring report that nobody reads in the end. Who is interested in how the bratwurst tasted during the day...?

The DTV Hannover does it differently. Here, the video sequences of the league matches are used to review the best match scenes on Instagram. Suddenly, the names that are on the match sheets week after week that represent the club get a face for many. It’s as if you were there yourself. You quickly watch short clips. And thrilling rallies are more emotional than 500 characters in size 10 font.

Tennis player

Match-Insights like on TV.

The TV Schwanewede from the north of Germany even goes one step further in addition to the match highlights. Selected matches of the club championships were picked out by the media representative and was edited down to the smallest detail. Top statistics of the matches were classified and discussed for the followers on Instagram. Insights that are otherwise only known from television are also interesting in amateur sports. Chapeau!

TV Schwanewede Instagram post.

“We now generate an extremely large amount of content, which helps us a lot in our public image. People see that there is life in our club.”

Dennis Bokelmann (1st Chairman TV Schwanewede)

You see, so much is possible. And that too without much effort. It is only important to start and to go new ways!

A new quality of tournament media coverage.

Each year, the Road to Wimbledon junior series, whose qualifying tournaments take place all over the world and whose finals are held at the prestigious All England Lawn Tennis Club, takes place. Four of the twelve courts played at the AELTC were equipped with Wingfield Courts, offering all participants an interactive tournament experience.

After the matches, players could access all their match summaries as usual and thus prepare even better for their next matches. Match highlights, which were automatically played on screens in the Players Lounge throughout the seven days of the tournament as soon as a match was completed on the Wingfield Court, were also a talking point.

In wimbledon

The fact that tournaments nowadays are not only accompanied ”offline” but are extended via online channels is nothing new in amateur tennis either. As an additional service, spectators from all over the world had the chance to access the highlight videos automatically generated by Wingfield via the Wimbledon website.

Road to Wimbledon Videos

The best match scenes of the day were broadcast to the world via Wimbledon and Wingfield's social media channels, adding a new quality to the media coverage of the tournament. Outstanding passing balls from the half court or awesome fighting spirit over long rallies were never hidden from the followers of the youngsters.

This is also possible in your club.

Tell your club and get Wingfield on your facility at the best price!

Wimbledon Handshake

Wingfield is digitalizing the Road to Wimbledon.

We make young up-and-coming players feel like professionals on the big stage.

Trainer on a bench with smartphone.

This federation is setting up for the future

How a federation supports competitive and recreational sports at its base with Wingfield.

TV Schwanewede Member.

Wingfield Club series: TV Schwanewede

With this digital approach, the new board of TV Schwanewede is restructuring the club’s offering.

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